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News Item

2019 journal impact factors released

30 Jun 2020

The European Journal of Endocrinology, the journal of the European Society of Endocrinology, has received a record breaking impact factor for the fourth year in a row now, with an impact factor of 5.308.

Bioscientifica would like to thank all authors, readers, editors and society partners for their contribution in continuing to ensure the journals are leaders in their respective fields.

In celebration of these results the journal editorial teams have compiled a series of collections bringing together a selection of the highly cited content contributing to these results:

Impact factors are often used as a tool for evaluating a journal’s quality. The 2019 impact factor takes into account citations in 2019 to papers published in 2017 and 2018. Bioscientifica also offer additional metrics for assessing journal and article quality and impact. All journals have article-level metrics that provide traditional usage data as well as Altmetric data.

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